Cross-section Assembly of the Custos Aeris modules

Installation instructions for Custos Aeris 

Custos Aeris was developed in such a way that installation and mounting of the dew point monitor can be realised quickly and easily. Particularly important here is that no power supply cables and no sensor cables have to be laid. The sensors are integrated in a main module and an air gap module. The built-in rechargeable battery allows the system to run for at least one year and is constantly recharged by sunlight in favourable conditions. Communication takes place via the mobile network, just like with a mobile phone, and the data is stored in the cloud once a day. There, the data can be viewed at any time via a web browser.

The following picture shows a cross-section of the structure in a typical situation of protective glazing and historically valuable lead glazing:

The main module is clipped into the cover rail towards the interior and the air gap module is located in the space between the protective glazing and the lead glazing and is also only clipped into the cover rail on the air gap side. For this purpose, the upper element of the lead glazing is taken out and mounted again after it has been clipped in. The main module is then switched on and that is all.

The following picture shows such an arrangement from the front on a table model.

The positions of the modules in relation to each other can be selected as desired. It is only limited by the maximum length of the connecting cable (5000 mm) between the modules. However, care must be taken that the non-contact temperature sensors do not look onto a lead rod. In order to monitor also the heating up of the historic glas due to sun-radiation it is necessary to have a slight displacement of the two modules as shown in the picture above.

The type of installation of the main module can be seen quite well in the next picture.

The clipping of the air gap module is shown in the following picture.

 And the last picture shows the side view of both modules in the tabletop model.

The two modules are connected via a cable that is laid between the two cover rails.
In total, the installation of Custos Aeris requires about 5 minutes of work (without removing and reassembling the upper lead glazing element). Anyone can install it themselves and no specialists are needed. It is worth emphasising once again that no power or sensor cables need to be laid. Simply hook it in, switch it on and you're done.

Direct contact:
mobile: +4917622234430


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